Additional seminars to explore the latest trends and business opportunities in the Chinese market

Full of information to succeed in the Chinese jewelry market!

With the reopening of the Hong Kong Jewellery Fair, it is expected that the jewellery business between Japan and China will revive in earnest! At Japan Jewelry Fair 2023, in addition to the seminars already announced, we have decided to hold the following two seminars on the latest Chinese jewelry market. Register now to participate.

Register Now!


Additional Programmes about the Chinese Jewellery Market: S-3A 
○Date & Time:30 August 2023 / 15:00-16:10  ○Event Stage inside East Hall 6, Tokyo Big Sight

○Language  :Chinese (Japanese consecutive interpretation available)      

○Pre-registration required / Free of Charge

Color GemStone in China Market ——Present and Future



Position Professor of University of Science and Technology, Beijing Professor of Nanjing University, Former Ambassador of The International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA)

One Chinese industrial Association recently released the "2023 Development Report on Chinese Colored Gemstone Industry" after conducting in-depth and detailed research. The report provides an overview of the colored gemstone industry and the consumption circumstance in China, including specific data on the major varieties of colored gemstones in the Chinese market and highlights some of the main issues currently present and insights into the future trends of the colored gemstone market in China. The presentation will also cover the current development status of e-commerce livestream in the Chinese jewelry market and discussion of future market opportunities.


Additional Programmes about the Chinese Jewellery Market: S-3B 
○Date & Time:30 August 2023 / 16:30-17:40  ○Event Stage inside East Hall 6, Tokyo Big Sight

○Language  :Chinese (Japanese consecutive interpretation available)      

○Pre-registration required / Free of Charge

Learn the latest trends in the Chinese e-commerce market!

"What is the appeal of Japanese jewellery in the eyes of 200 million overseas consumers on Taobao?"



Taobao is China's leading online mall operated by Alibaba Group, the largest e-commerce company in China.

This year an overseas jewelry sales representative from Alibaba will visit Japan Jewellery Fair and will introduce the latest trends in jewelry sales in the Chinese e-commerce market and business opportunities for Japanese jewelry brands. Don't miss the best opportunity to learn the secrets of success in the Chinese jewelry market!。

1. Sales scale and trend of overseas jewelry on Taobao
2. What kind of jewellery do Chinese consumers prefer?
3. Difficulties and challenges of overseas jewellery sales in the Chinese market
4. Sales strategies for overseas jewellery brands to succeed in the Chinese market
5. What are Chinese consumers' needs for Japan made jewelry?
6. How to promote Japanese jewelry products in the Chinese market
7. Characteristic analysis of jewelry brands preferred by Chinese consumers



How to register for those Seminars  

STEP 1 : Register as a visitor for Japan Jewellery Fair 2023 and obtain your ID and Password.

STEP 2:  Use your ID and Password to register for those seminars!

We look forward to your participation.